First meeting of Open Science [Psychology]

We had our organisational meeting today! About 40 students and staff members from the School of Psychology turned up. Eric Vanman gave a brief introduction to the "crisis" in psychology and recent developments by the Center for Open Science and the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science. You can get a copy of his slides here.

Jason Tangen gave a tutorial on the process of pre-registration on the website. He showed how he and his lab group store files there, make predictions, report results, etc.

The final part of the meeting covered some possible things that the group would be interested in covering in the future. Here's a brief summary of those items:

1. More information and work on the Data Sharing policies of UQ and how it intersects with Ethics concerns.

2. Possible collaboration in future meetings via Skype or other videoconferencing tools with other groups in other parts of Queensland.

3. Getting involved with the ESS project on Research Management that is supposed to be coming soon at UQ.

4. Best practices in storing data and work flows.

5. Undergraduate education in statistics and research methodology needs to be updated.

6. Workshops on R or Jamovi.

**Our next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, October 17th at 4 pm. An email list will be created soon and more information will be shared that way.

Second Meeting